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Fresno and Central Valley's FREE Monthly LGBT Newspaper
A program of Community Link, Inc.
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organization
Contact: Jay Sanchez
(559) 266-LINK (5465)

NEWS LINK is a community newspaper, first published in 1995. It contains LGBT-relevant news (local and beyond) on politics, marriage, religion, youth, health; plus local columns: Enlighten Me, New Wellness, Horoscopes, Book Flow, and many others. Not all of them appear every month, but most do!
NEWS LINK is published every 3rd Friday of the month and can be found at
NEWS LINK is free and is funded entirely by advertisements and donations. If you'd like to advertise, please see Ad Deadline & Pricing.
NEWS LINK has NO paid staff or reporters and largely relies on community members for its content. You too can contribute:
- Write to us about queer life in YOUR part of the Valley
- Keep us informed about LGBT events you’ve attended
- Send us photos from the events
- Write a monthly column on a subject that interests you
- Send us your LGTB group’s calendar of events
- Send us press releases and news about your group
- Refer interested advertisers from the LGBT community & beyond
Other ideas? Contact us!
Community Link will consider media sponsorships of nonprofit events that are open and free to the community or - at reduced rate - for advertising for fundraising events that include a donation / admission charge, when a written request has been
submitted to no less than six weeks prior to the event.
Community Link must be listed on all promotional materials including digital and electronic media sources as a MEDIA SPONSOR. Other terms and conditions to be negotiated on an individual basis.
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