Beautification of the street median on the corner of N. Fulton St & E. Alhambra Ave.
A program of Community Link, Inc. - a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organization
Contact person: Jeff (559) 266-LINK (5465) / info@communitylinkfresno.com
February 17, 2012
On Sunday, March 4th, at 10am we'll return to our Rainbow Parkette / Pride Plaza on the corner of Fulton St. and Alhambra Ave. for spring planting. Come out and help us add some color to beautify out spot in the Tower!
October 21, 2011
Come out and help us plant some Fall color in the Rainbow Parkette/Pride Plaza (Fulton & Alhambra)!
Sunday, October 23rd @ 9am.
We will be painting our space in oranges, yellows, golds, red and rusts!
June 17, 2011
"In memory of all the victims of anti Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender bullying, Community Link dedicates this tree as a living reminder of the lives that have been adversely affected by the words and actions of the bullies and by the inaction of a silent majority. May this Tree stand forever in this space we have claimed as our own, the Rainbow Parkette & Pride Plaza."
This space, that Community Link has unofficially reclaimed from the City of Fresno is a small piece of land that we can call our own. Officially it is a street median and owned by the City of Fresno. For 19 years this area has been an eyesore at our annual Pride Celebration. Wanting to clean this area up and create a green space for the community, we started cleaning, pruning, weeding, mowing, and watering.
This area includes a small grass lawn area with an old fountain/sculpture designed by a renowned Armenian artist. This feature has long passed being operational and is in bad condition. We have given it new life as a large planter with flower and succulents. Two planter areas, one with a large old tree and the second area is where Community Link has planted the Tribute Tree, roses, purple, pink and white flowers and four flag poles.
Additionally Community Link has also been caring for the two street trees and planted a variety of flowers and plants underneath them.
Community Link’s appreciation goes out to: PG&E who has provided volunteers and community grants for the maintenance and tree planting; Lorraine, Rachel, Crystal, and Rachel B for the daily task of watering, and all of the volunteers that came out on clean up days; Tree Fresno for their Tribute Tree Program; Scott & Natalie Miller and their Gazebo Gardens.
May 28, 2011
A Tree Grows in the Tower: Community Link's Tree Dedication to the LGBT Community
by Kaylia M. Metcalfe - GayFresno.com
This morning a dozen supporters gathered at the corner of Fulton and Alhambra to take part in a tree dedication.
The tree, a Chinese Pistache, a Winterfire which will someday reach heights of 40-50 feet, was planted by Community Link to honor those in the LGBT community who have been bullied and victimized and to be a living embodiment of the promise of their allies to continue to make the world a better, and safer, place for all of us.
The plaque reads: “This Tree Dedicated to All GLBT Victims Of Bullying 3/19/11”
The tree stands in a repurposed medium that now boasts flowers and flags as part of the reclaimed part of the street: The Rainbow Parkette/Pride Plaza. This area, with the help of Tree Fresno and the PG&E Pride group is a small bastion of peace in the heart of the Tower, just one block away from the Fresno LGBT Community Center.
As part of the ceremony the poem "Advice from a Tree" by Ilan Shamir was read. It felt more than simply “a good fit” for the occasion the sentiments of the poem as taken in light of the message we want to send the LGBT youth is one of strength and support.
Planting a tree is truly “a modest form of immortality.” Let us hope that like this tree our community will stand tall and proud. Let us continue to work together to stop bullying and the victimization of our members.
April 15, 2011
For nearly 20 years Fresno has celebrated its GLBT Pride in the Tower District. The Pride Festival for about 16 years has been an “L” shaped street festival at the intersections of Fulton & Alhambra Streets.
During all of these years there has been a run down city parcel that has been both an eyesore and a problem to work around. In the past the Pride Committee put the trash bins and portapotties on this piece of land.
Pride Parkette/Pride Plaza is our attempt to have our own small patch of green in the Tower. Community Link has made a commitment to maintain this area year round.
This area is designated by the city as a street median, but we look at it as a small park hence the term “Parkette.” The parkette is a triangular shaped space. It is where Wishon and Fulton merge at Alhambra Street, just south of and across the street from Veni Vidi Vici’s.
Last year the Pride Committee decided to turn this into a green space in the midst of this asphalt hard-scape. We weeded, did major trimming of some of the trees, repaired a sprinkler system on the grass area, weeded and seeded the lawn area, replanted the flower beds, and added some color around two trees that are planted along Wishon Avenue.
The old rock and concrete water fountain that is no longer in working order was planted with pink, purple, and white flowering petunias.
Community Link also installed four flag poles from which we flew the American Flag, the State flag and two rainbow flags.
This year we worked with Tree Fresno and removed a dying tree and planted a Tribute Tree in its place, that is dedicated to all of the GLBT victims of bullying. A dedication and ribbon cutting ceremony will be held Saturday, May 28th at 10 am. Please join us has we dedicate the tree and the Pride Parkette/Pride Plaza.
Our second phase has included working again with PG&E’s Pride Network, the Fresno Youth Alliance, Community Link and the Fresno Rainbow Pride Committee as we continue our beautification project.
In the future the Tribute Tree will provide ample shade and a nice place to cool off on our special day of Pride.
This year we are hoping to create a green grassy place to sit and enjoy the Pride Festival complete with some rainbow beach umbrellas for additional shade.
Future plans include benches for seating, community art project, solar powered automated system for the sprinklers and the restoration of the historic rock water fountain.
Dedication of the GLBT Tribute Tree, Saturday, May 28, 2011, 10am.
No one in the GLBTQ community can say that they have not been bullied or have not endured derogatory slurs whether directly aimed at them or to others around them.
Last month Community Link planted a 15 gallon Chinese Pistachio Tree with the assistance of Tree Fresno in a program of theirs called Tribute Trees. The tree, while small, will have a small metal plaque attached to it stating that this tree is dedicated to the GLBT community and will become the anchor to Community Link’s beautification projects in the Pride Festival area.
The community is invited to attend the dedication and rainbow ribbon cutting ceremony as we remember those who have suffered greatly at the bullies’ hands and their words and look towards the days when everyone is accepted for who they are.
This ceremony is open to the pubic at no charge. Donations, checks will be accepted, greatly appreciated and be directed towards the maintenance of and improvements to the Rainbow Parkette/Pride Plaza.
May 21, 2010
This ugly piece of Tower property, an overgrown and dead grass area south of Olive on Fulton, has been lovingly adopted by Community Link.
We have reseeded the grass area and repaired the sprinkler system. And started preparing the soil in the planter areas and been watering like crazy.
Our good friend Scott Miller has advised us on good drought resistant plants. The plan has been finished and the area should look beautiful.
Planting will begin Saturday, May 22nd and Sunday the 23rd, 2010. Come help create something wonderful.